
About The Service:

MecKloid provides a SEO service which simplifies SEO content management for all SEO professionals, set up your project with just 5 simple steps and let the service handle the rest. sign up now and manage all your project on this platform with ease.

This service providers the following advantages:

  • provides an organised structure for the SEO content.
  • minimises the involvement of individuals in the SEO deployment process.
  • improves deployment and updation of the SEO Content.
  • improves maintenance of the SEO content.

Following is a step by step process of using this service:

Step 1:

sign up on the mecKloid platform and navigate to the SEO section.

Step 2:

Create a project slot by using the top right add button(+) on the screen.

Step 3:

Click on the add button(+) on the project slot to enter the API section which is used to create/maintain SEO APIs.

Step 4:

Click the add button(+) on top right corner of the screen to submit a modal which generates a SEO Endpoint, used to transfer the data to the desired project.

Step 5:

Integrate these SEO Endpoints on the desired project and modify your SEO content whenever required directly from the mecKloid platform.


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Web Application Developed By MecKloid