
Hashing Algorithms:

  1. MD5 is a widely used hashing algorithm designed to produce a 128-bit hash value (32-character hexadecimal number) from an input of any length.
  2. SHA-1 is a hashing algorithm that generates a 160-bit hash value (40-character hexadecimal number) from an input.
  3. SHA-256 is a hashing algorithm that generates a 256-bit hash value (64-character hexadecimal number) from an input.
  4. SHA-512 is a hashing algorithm that generates a 512-bit hash value (128-character hexadecimal number) from an input.
  5. Argon2 is a more modern hashing algorithm, designed specifically for password hashing.
  6. HMAC stands for "Hash-based Message Authentication Code." It's a construction used for verifying the integrity and authenticity of a message while ensuring it hasn't been tampered with during transmission. HMAC uses a cryptographic hash function (such as SHA-256, SHA-512, etc) to create a fixed-size hash value from the input data.


Encryption: -----

Hash Checker:

Result: -----


Encryption: -----

Hash Checker(HMAC):

Result: -----


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